اللاهوت الطقسي




+ Encyclopedia Judaica.

+ The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Abingdon,

+ Harper’s Bible Dictionary, New York, 1985.

+ The New Bible Commentary, Inter – Varsity Press, 1976

+ The MISHNAH, Herbert Danby, Oxford Press, 1987.

+ Alfred Edersheim, The Temple, Grand Rapids, 1983.

+ N. MICKLEM, Leviticus, New York & Nashville, 1962.

+ R. K. Harrison, Leviticus. An Introduction and
Leicester, 1981.

+ M. NOTH, Leviticus, London, 1962. OT Library.

+ N. H. SNAITH, Leviticus and Numbers, London, 1967.

+ J. R. Porter, Leviticus, Cambridge. Cambridge Bible Commentary.

+ A. Noordtzij, Leviticus, Grand Rapids (Mich),1982.

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